Saturday, August 25, 2007

for as long as i can remember i, ranae janelle have been a nail biter. i think i may have stopped once when i was younger for just a few days and then just before our wedding mostly because i had such a bad cold sore on my lip that i simply could not bear to bring my fingers to my mouth. today, it has been 2 weeks and 5 days since i last bit my nails. they seem very long altho not long @ all and i am VERY pleased with myself. this ceasing of the biting is a direct result of myself coming into contact with something that i am pretty sure was poo while i was in an undisclosed bathroom. the thought of what may be lurking underneath of my stubby bitten nails @ any given moment has not since left my mind and the nail biting has become a thing of the past. i am hoping that it will there remain. i’ll keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

acute and painful. we all feel it, differently and yet the same. our humanity is entwined with it. experiences that change us...eyes open, seeing things in a different light. i am realizing that these last years have been laden with loss....close friends, mentors, our little one. with each loss, the others are brought forth & the feeling remains fresh. these losses......loved ones, friends, things hoped for.... are life altering. i am ever thankful for a world created by God filled with others who have experienced such things. for friends who gather around and support & understand in times of need, for a God who cares enough to make this so and remains present thru it us the ability to move forward with eyes open, being able to see clearly the light ahead.