Wednesday, December 30, 2009

once again, i am not sleeping. thoughts swirling in my brain not quite being able to sort them all out. this does not happen every night but quite often it is the case. i think it's catching up to me. so much has happened since i last wrote. our move which unfortunately involved the moving of many boxes of "garbage" from our old, into our new basement. a place that i am fervently hoping will not be a permanent one. i suppose i will need to do more than hope in order to make this a reality : ) we are loving this new space, a place to call our own. it is older and has it's quirks but also a charm that i find rare in these parts. my thoughts often turn to far off places that still i miss but for now i am trying to live right here, where i am for however long this remains my home...thankful for good friends old and new with whom we share this life. i stumbled across a new blog today and after being fully engrossed in her posts, glanced at her profile to realize that she too is from new brunswick and this made me happy indeed. the photo i posted is of a pencil drawing i did while in scotland in 2003. my brain was very full of thought @ the time & i was having a hard time putting said thought into words, not unlike how i feel tonight.